Alexa Certify

Report Abuse Complaint

Report Abuse Complaint We are against Spamming, Online Frauds, Scams etc. If any of our client found to involve in such activities kindly send us an email with incident evidence. Our Compliance Team will investigate the issue and necessary actions will be taken against particular client.

Signing Up with Tech Spartan, User Accept Following Policies

Report abuse/Complaints

Tech Spartan works hard to ensure that all services registered with us are complying with our Registration Agreement. Please note that while we are happy to review any claim that a domain is violating our Registration Agreement, we do reserve the right to judge the appropriate response in our sole discretion. It is within Tech Spartan's sole discretion whether to enforce our terms of service in response to any particular complaint. If we do not act, it is not considered a waiver of any right to do so in the future. Please note, the information provided here does not represent legal advice and is for informational purposes only. You may need to obtain professional legal advice for certain types of complaints.

To report abuse Email Us